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Questions? Read our Frequently asked questions. For any other questions, please contact us using the contact form below.

Attention! Are you experiencing any of the following problems?

  • My Gel Blaster has limited shooting power
  • My Gel Blaster doesn't shoot any balls

Please follow the instructions below first:

  1. Soak the balls again in lukewarm water for at least 5-7 hours.
  2. Use enough water! For 10,000 balls (1 bag), use at least 10 litres of water.
  3. Drain the balls for a few seconds. (It doesn't matter if the balls are still a little wet, the gun can withstand this just fine)
  4. Fill the weapon's magazine at least for 30% with balls.
  5. If the weapon has a "prime" button, hold it down for 5 to 10 seconds.
  6. The weapon is now ready for use.

Keep in mind that you cannot store the balls in the open air for too long. The moisture in the balls will slowly evaporate, causing them to shrink again. So store the balls in an airtight place, like in a plastic bottle for example.

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